“I don’t think her attorney has the same conversations with her that we have.”

“I don’t think her attorney has the same conversations with her that we have.” I heard this from my client a few weeks ago. I didn’t think much of it at the time he said it – I’ve heard this comment before, many times in fact. Over the course of the last few weeks, however,… Continue reading “I don’t think her attorney has the same conversations with her that we have.”


#BulletJournal – what? We encourage and recommend the use of Bullet Journaling during any litigation, in preparation of litigation, and for daily use in your general life. Go to www.BulletJournal.com to watch an overview video by the creator of the Bullet Journal system, Ryder Carroll. The site also has tips and suggestions for how to… Continue reading #BulletJournal

Welcome Blog

Hello and welcome to the Law Office of Amanda Colón, P.A. Here you will find a law office committed to problem solving and thinking outside of the box – to help find the best result for yourself and your family. Our firm is different – we believe in not only delivering a high level of… Continue reading Welcome Blog

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